What should be considered when buying marble?

Buying stone is one of the most important building concept. It is so important that it can even affect the successful or unsuccessful sale of building units. Various factors are involved in choosing the stone needed for the building, including the value of the project and the location of the building.

The various stones used in construction are: travertine, marble, granite, onyx, porcelain and so on. An important point in buying marble is the characteristics of this stone. Note that based on these characteristics, the place of its use in the building is determined.

Another important point to consider when choosing and buying marble and other stones is the quality of the stone processing and the accuracy used during this process. The proper quality of the stone and its luster will add value to the property.

Also, the edges of the stone must be healthy; if the edges of the stone are spilled, the stone will deteriorate and adversely affect the quality and beauty.

Two other important factors in choosing and buying marble and other stones are the thickness and sort of the stone. Thickness is important in terms of transportation as well as installation, and sorting is also aesthetically pleasing, because if the stone is not sorted in the right category, it will make the stone installation look bad.

In summary, the following points are important in buying marble, like other stones: compressive strength, stone water absorption, stone application, stone shape and size, stone storage, stone price, stone processing type, stone color. No cracks. Groove. Fracture. Loose veins. Rot. Disruption.

What should be considered when buying marble?

There are two important points to consider when buying marble: what are the characteristics of marble; what parts and spaces of the building are suitable for marble.

Marble is used for interior spaces of the building and is most used in the floor of the units. As a result, what is important for the facades and interior spaces and floors of any building is also important in choosing marble.

We have already mentioned the important things when buying a stone. Here we will explain more about the use of marble in terms of applications.

We said that marble is used in facades and floors. When buying marble for facades, the minimum compressive strength of the stone should be 300 kg / cm.

The absorption of rock water should be a maximum of 2%. Of course, the amount of rock water absorption does not matter for the interior. In terms of application, marble is not suitable for exterior views, so be careful to use it only in interior views.

If the purchase of marble is done for the floor of the building, you should be careful that its compressive strength is 270 kg / cm for residential units, 500 kg / cm for commercial and office units and 900 kg / cm for parking lots and areas.

In the case of marble for the floor of the building, you should also pay attention to the use of the stone. The selected stone should have low water absorption. If a rock with high water absorption is used for a flooded area, the rock will be stained and its shape will deteriorate.

In terms of use, marble flooring is suitable for residential, office and commercial units, but for parking floors, grounds and sidewalks, it is better to use other types of stone such as travertine and granite.

How to determine marble

Marble is not really a scientific name for a stone. In Iran, this stone is known by this name, and in fact it is equivalent to Marble, and it contains stones that are not included in the Marble subset.

Despite this explanation, marble is a limestone. Any limestone that is not among the marble and travertine is included in the marble subset. There are different types of marble itself: calcite marble, magnesite marble, dolomite calcite marble and dolomite marble.

The color of marble, which is formed due to impurities, ranges from white to red, cream, brown, pink, black, green, and so on.

Detecting marble from travertine is difficult for people who do not specialize. These people have to look back to recognize marble; marble is a streaked stone with no pores.

Where is marble suitable for?

The use of any stone depends on the place where it is installed and the specific features and uses of that place. For example, some marble stones have a calcareous nature and have high water absorption. As a result, this type of marble cannot be used in bathrooms and kitchens.

Also, rain, cold, heat and air are not suitable for this type of rock because water, contraction and expansion cause it to corrode.

Most types of marble are not impact resistant and are therefore not recommended for busy neighborhoods. In general, marble is mostly used inside buildings; on stair walls, parking walls and floors.

Where to buy marble?

Iran has a large number of marble quarries, many of which have been identified and exploited, and many have not yet reached this stage. The variety of these interior stones is high in terms of material and color.

Among the suppliers of marble, there are several that are active in the production of various marbles. Persian Silk Marble or Emperor Silk Marble is a good supplier for gray marble marble.

Mahkam marble is a manufacturer of marble with a brown background and Hersin marble, Dehbid Shayan and Namin are a manufacturer of beige marble.

To prepare marble with white background, Sabzevar and Kashmar marble are introduced, and for marble with black background, you can refer to Najafabad marble, Dehbid black marble and Birjand black marble. Red marble, Bavanat marble, pomegranate marble and Bajestan marble are good producers of marble.




279 2020/ 04 /11

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