The most essential things you need to know about building Stone facade

As the name suggests, the building's facade is the first thing that catches the viewer's attention in a building.


The facade of the building is its appearance, so its attractiveness is very important; Of course, it should be noted that the facade of the building is not always stone and may be made of wood, glass, brick, etc.


In this article, we will define the facade of a building, its types and applications.

Do you really know exactly what the facade of the building is?

Building facade stone is a stone that is made of mineral stones and is used for construction in building facades.


Today, the appearance of a building, if not more, but we can say that it is as important as the building itself.


Many people are looking for modern and special beauty and effects, and naturally the first place in the building that attracts the viewer's attention is its appearance; So many people are trying to get the most out of it.

In addition to beauty and charm, the protective role of the building facade should also be mentioned. Environmental conditions and atmospheric factors play a decisive role in choosing the facade of a building.


Stone facade is one of the most common facades used in buildings. Stone is a natural material that has always been available to humans and has long been used in construction.

The facade of the building is made of the same natural stones. Maybe it's a common interest in root stocks and we've got it from our past.


Certainly the lives of our predecessors in the caves and among the crumbling rocky cliffs have not been unaffected by our current interest in stone and the stone facade of the building.


What is speculated is that the use of stone in the facade of the building reminds us of the sense of life among our ancestors and in the caves, and subconsciously takes us to the carefree days in which our ancestors lived?

In any case, the stone facade will make the building look luxurious and increase the life of the building facade.


The facade of the building can be easily washed and given a new look. This is one of the advantages of using stone in building facades instead of bricks or cement.


Building facade stones often have polished surfaces, and it is much easier to wash and clean polished surfaces than rough, rough, and textured surfaces.


In addition, soil, dust, and airborne particles cannot enter the surfaces of polished stones, as their polished surface acts as a shield against the entry of these substances into them.

However, the entry of these dusts and contaminants into materials such as bricks and cement is much more likely due to their porosity and extremely uneven surface. Note that it is possible for the building facade to loosen after a few years, but loose stones can be repaired and re-reinforced using the appropriate tools and materials.

The facade stone of the building is not only used outside the building but also inside the building.


Also, its use to decorate various parts of the building has become more common. In the following, we will use the facade stone of the building outside and inside the building.

Exterior facade of the building and their types

Building facade stone is one of the most widely used facades outside the building. There are several points to consider when choosing a facade stone.


In fact, rocks must be selected taking into account atmospheric and environmental conditions; Cold, heat, sunlight, rain and air pollution are some of the most important environmental and environmental factors.


For example, in polluted cities, acid rain is possible, so the facade of the building must be resistant to acids. Also, the pores of the stone should be large enough to stick to the wall, otherwise they may become detached and fall on the head.

Another important point is the resistance of the stone to abrasion, abrasion and water absorption. Especially in rainy cities, due to rain and in polluted cities due to the need to wash the facade of the building, it is necessary to pay attention to these points.


According to what has been said, the types of building stone facades for exterior facades that have the mentioned characteristics include travertine facade stone, granite facade stone, Stone or stone sand facade stone facade and porcelain stone facade.

The interior facade of the building and their types

Building facade stone for interior sections should also have more or less the same conditions as the exterior stone facade of the building, but due to being located inside and being protected from conditions such as wind and rain, sensitivity to some of its features can be less.


In addition, the interior facade of the building is mostly used for interior decoration; Therefore, instead of the aforementioned factors, ie the strength and durability of the stone, items such as color, design and even the texture of the stone are of particular importance.

Natural stones correspond to different design styles such as modern, classic, artistic and other design styles. These stones are easy to clean, soundproof, give people a sense of place in the heart of nature, and are economical on the other hand. All of these reasons increase people's desire to use natural stones in the interior of the building.


The interior stone facades of the building include marble, onyx, porcelain, travertine, granite, lime acetone, acetone and quartzite.

Of course, some of these stones, such as travertine and acetone, are mostly used for exterior facades, but their use in interior facades does not cause any problems.


The choice of these stones is mostly based on the tastes of people and other materials and colors used in other parts of the interior of the building.


Here are the reasons why some stones are suitable for indoor use and some for outdoor use.

Do you know which stones are best for the interior and exterior of a building?

In the previous two sections, we talked about the types of building facades for interior and exterior sections.


The reason why some stones are more suitable for certain parts is the characteristics of each stone as well as the conditions of each part of the building.


Travertine is one of the most popular exterior stones in the building.

If you want to find out the reason for this, we have to tell you that the reason for the presence of suitable pores on the travertine stone is that its adhesion to the wall increases. Also, this stone is resistant to natural factors, cold, heat, sunlight and moisture, and has a variety of colors and designs, and a relatively low price.


Porcelain is also very similar to travertine, but it is not very popular due to the lack of various colors.


Granite, like travertine, is good for exteriors because it has good impact resistance.


In addition, most types of granite are resistant to cold, heat, sunlight and moisture.

Of course, there are disadvantages to consider: low adhesion due to low pores in the stone, high price and the possibility of oxidation of the stone in some types that contain iron minerals.


Acetone also has weaknesses, such as high water absorption, but silica acetone has good resistance to acids, cold and frost.


Therefore, in cities with a chance of acid rain, it is a relatively good option.

Of course, the Aston limestone document lacks this advantage. Quartzite is a type of metamorphic rock that consists of quartz. This stone has a high resistance to abrasion and chemicals, and therefore is widely used in outdoor environments with various temperatures and climate change.


LimeStone is a sedimentary rock that absorbs a lot of water due to its high lime content and cannot be used on exteriors or high humidity locations, and is only suitable for interior walls.


Porcelain stone is a metamorphic stone that has a high resistance to impact and weather changes, etc., and has a high color stability and can be widely used in building facades.

Marble in the facade of the building

Marble is a popular stone that always attracts everyone's attention. This stone is suitable for exterior view due to its characteristics such as resistance to climate change, cold and heat, rain, etc.


On the other hand, due to its radiance, beauty and anti-allergy, it is also widely used for the interior. Another important point is that it is easy to maintain.


The only drawback of this luxury stone facade of the building is that its price is higher than other stones for interior decoration.

Marble in the facade of the building

Marble is not a good choice for the exterior of a building because it is resistant to sunlight, abrasion and low impact.


But for interiors, even parking lots that are actually confined to the environment and not directly exposed to natural factors such as sunlight are a good option. The beauty of this stone has made it a popular choice for interior decoration.


306 2020/ 07 /04

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