Marble producing countries

Stones extracted from quarries in different parts of the world are divided into different groups based on their physical and mechanical properties. In this wide classification, marble stones are well known and widely used due to their beauty and mechanical properties.

Marble is made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which contains a wide range of other minerals such as clay, mica, quartz, pyrite (iron sulfide), iron oxides and graphite.

Marble title in other parts of the world

Marble is derived from the Greek word "marmarom" meaning shiny crystal stone. Marble is known in French as "marbre". In fact, "marble" is derived from the Latin root "marmoreal".

Marble extracted in each land has different physical and physical properties depending on the composition and conditions of metamorphism and crystallization. The following are the most important names of marble in the world:


It is one of the rarest and most popular types of marble, which is confused with Carara marble due to similarities in color and design. Like Carrara marble, it is mined in Italy and is known for its pattern of dark and thick veins on a light background (Carrara marble has grayer and thinner veins).


Emperor marble is extracted in Spain and is available in light colors and dark brown. Its brown color has a pattern of very fine and irregular white and gray streaks.


The most common type of marble that is found at a reasonable price compared to other marbles in the market. This type of marble is known for its intricate gray streaks on a white background. One of the most important sources of this type of marble is the marble quarries located in the Apuan Mountains in northern of Italy.


As the name title, it has a black background with bright and delicate streaks. This type of marble has two subgroups of Levadia black marble and Nero Marquina black marble and is found in different countries, including Iran.

Karma Marble Marble "CREMA MARFIL MARBLE"

Among the famous exports of Spanish marble is Karma Marfil marble. It is usually identified by a light beige color with a shade of yellow. Like other marbles, this model has a variety of colors. A type of beige marble called krema is found in a quarries near the Spanish city of Alicante.

"RED MARBLE" red marble

Red marble is less used due to its high price. This type of marble can be found in various quarries around the world, including the city of Murcia in Spain.

Brown marble

This type of marble is considered by many decoration designers because of its attractiveness. Italy, Egypt and Turkey are the main sources of this marble. Iran also has a small share of marble exports.

Iran's position among marble producers in the world

Iran has the largest resources and quarries of precious stones in the world. Annually, a huge amount of these stones are extracted from various quarries in the country. This amount of exports can reach a much higher volume.

In fact, the lack of new machinery and technologies in the country has been effective as a limiting factor in the country's marble export industry. Iran is known as the fourth country in the world in terms of rich marble resources and the second country with stone resources in the world.

In a general ranking, the volume of stone reserves in different countries of the world is estimated at 15 billion tons, while Iran has a reserve of 4 billion tons, among countries with various stones such as marble and granite. Despite these rich and valuable resources in the country, the share of exports of various stones such as marble in recent years has been 13%.

The most important marble quarries in Iran

Iran has the most diverse stone quarries compared to all other countries. Among this rock variety, marble has a share of 44% of stone quarries in the country. Harsin Sardar, Robat Morad, Kashan Desert, Dehbid Khoy Abbasabad, Lashtar and Salsali marbles are the famous quarries in the country.

• Haftoman Khor and Biabank Marble Mine: This mine is located 60 km southwest of Khor and the type of stone extracted from it is pink marble.

• Khoy Marble: Khoy Marble quarries are one of the most important marble quarries in Iran, which are located in Khoy city of West Azerbaijan province. The products of these quarries are made of different types of marble stones, including Karma Marfil marble with different fields.

• Robat Morad Marble: One of the most important quarries in the country, which produces black marble, is located in Robat Morad village in Khomein city.

• Hersin Sardar Marble: This quarry is one of the best quarries in Iran in the production of marble. This quarry is located in Harsin. Sardar marble called Zolfaghar stone is extracted from Harsin marble quarry

Due to high quarry resources in Iran, it is expected to improve its position among countries that export stones such as marble. Today, most marble of various quarries is used domestically. Marble extracted from Iranian quarries is high quality and is considered by many countries, including China.




891 2020/ 08 /10

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