Why beige marble is this color?

Beige marble is a type of sedimentary and calcareous stones that after cutting and polishing, has a unique transparency and beauty. The luster of this stone without any special chemical operations, it is so spectacular that it has been used since ancient times to make sculptures and decorative items and building ornaments.

The texture of limestone changes over time due to the pressure and heat applied to it. Marble is pure, white, shiny and without lines and designs, and is mostly used for making sculptures and small decorative items. In addition to white, this stone has a high color variety.

Why beige marble is this color?

Marble comes in a variety of colors such as pink, white, red, black, mustard, green and beige. The beige color of this stone is very popular compared to other colors. Impurities in marble cause different colors in marble.

Limonite compounds are the main cause of cream color in marble. Carbon, chlorite, silicate, hemotite, and manganese carbonate are the compounds that make other colors of marble.

What are the most common uses of beige marble?

The various and beautiful designs that exist on marble, as well as the high variety of colors of this stone, has made it possible to use it in many fields. Beige marble is most commonly used in construction. But due to its calcareous structure, it is usually used in the interior of the building. The calcareous nature of marble makes it sensitive to moisture, and therefore should be avoided in spaces such as bathrooms, bathrooms and the exterior of the building.

This stone is also weathered in the air and cannot be used in the outdoor space of the building that is exposed to rain, snow and moisture. Only if the marble has a high thickness, it can be used outdoors.

 High thickness can greatly reduce the rate of moisture penetration into the marble. Subbing is another method that helps increase its resistance to moisture absorption. In general, indoor and dry spaces are the best place to use marble.

Another common use of beige marble is in building flooring. The beautiful colors of this stone and its various designs, along with its durability feature, make it a good choice for flooring. Beige marble color is one of the most common of this stone in the field of flooring.

Marble is also sensitive to heat and contracts and expands, which can cause cracks in the stone. Therefore, when using marble, you should also pay attention to the air temperature in that place.

In which Iranian marble quarries beige marble is existed?

Numerous marble quarries in different colors are known in Iran and there are certainly many quarries that have not been discovered or are not being exploited. Each of these sources has a specific color of marble. Beige-colored marble is usually extracted from Dehbid, Abadeh and Namin quarries.


Sabzevar, Kerman, Isfahan, Birjand, Anarak, Bajestan, Sabzevar and Kashmar and Harsin and Khoy are other important marble quarries in Iran from which other colors of marble are extracted.

Properties of beige marble

This stone shows high resistance against high weight and has a high gloss due to high abrasion.

The variety of designs and eye-catching beauty of this stone is another feature that has made its use in everyday life high.

This stone has low resistance to acid and also has the ability to scratch, so when using this stone, you should pay attention to these points.

What are the largest beige marble quarries in the world?

Beige marble has long been popular, and many aspects of human civilization, such as the luxurious buildings of amphitheaters, palaces and water features in the Roman Empire, are made of this stone. Italy, Egypt, Tunisia, Greece, France, Afghanistan, Turkey and Spain have marble quarries, however Italy is the first rank in the extraction and production of marble.

242 2020/ 08 /12

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