The difference between marble and limestone

Marble and limestone are both composed of calcium carbonate, which in some cases is associated with the minerals aragonite and dolomite. Structurally, limestone is one of the sedimentary rocks that is created by compression and hardening of the upper layers due to high pressure, while marble with the scientific name of Marble is one of the metamorphic rocks that in addition to withstanding the pressure of the upper floors, are affected. The heat of the earth's crust is also located, so the rate of pressure tolerance and resistance to external factors such as weathering and erosion in metamorphic rocks is much higher than sedimentary rocks.

The intolerance of pressure and heat in Limestone has made this stone vulnerable to external factors, so that due to temperature changes in hot and dry areas, it easily loses its structure and cracks are formed in it, which gradually Time shatters the stone. In addition, the presence of calcium carbonate compounds increases the rate of moisture absorption and can not be used as a stone facade in wet areas and in the interior decoration of homes in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.
The intolerance of pressure and heat in Limestone has made this stone vulnerable to external factors, so that due to temperature changes in hot and dry areas, it easily loses its structure and cracks are formed in it, which gradually Time shatters the stone. In addition, the presence of calcium carbonate compounds increases the rate of moisture absorption and can not be used as a stone facade in wet areas and in the interior decoration of homes in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.

In addition to the above. The sedimentary nature of Limestone increases the percentage of pores in the rock, which as a result of high porosity in the rock will reduce its useful life over time. The presence of low compressive strength has reduced the limestone sublimability. Uses of Limestone stones in the interior walls of buildings such as: corridor walls, parking lot walls and stairs.

In terms of color variety, marbles have a high color variety from white, cream, red, yellow, pink, orange, brown, green to black due to the presence of impurities such as: limonite, manganese, iron, graphite, etc. Limestone stones have very little color variation and are more commonly seen from white and cream to light brown.

The price of limestone is lower than similar colors in marble and travertine.

Types of limestones:

1- Limestone Islamabad - Kermanshah

2- Limestone Bozhan - Kermanshah

3- Limestone Silver Gohreh - Lorestan

4- Limestone White Mountain - Qom

5- Limestone Marvdasht- Fars

6- Limestone Mahabad - West Azerbaijan

7- Limestone Vanak - Isfahan


267 2020/ 08 /22

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