As you know, marble stone plays a very colorful role in the construction and construction of different colors of this stone in the Iranian market. Marble is part of the marble family with no metamorphosis.
It comes directly from limestone and inherits the limestone-forming property with it. Marble stones have a great variety of colors.
This variation is caused by the addition of various chemicals to the stone texture. One of the most beautiful colors of this stone is the marble of Harsin.
The colors of the Harsin marble are more bright and can give the interior of the building a very beautiful appearance. The colors of this stone are mostly beige and change slightly darker and lighter.
Harsin marble rocks have crystalline veins. Therefore, they have a very magnificent appearance and are one of the most beautiful types of marble in Iran.
Learn more about Harsin marble
When you first hear the name of the stone, you may feel that it belongs abroad. But that's not the case. Harsin marble is extracted from quarries near Harsin in Kermanshah province and is therefore known as Harsin marble.
This stone is one of the best as well as the most luxurious types of marble in Iran and of course has a good price. That's why you can use this stone in most luxury, commercial and residential areas.
The colors of the Harsin marble are brighter and there are many types of beige in the market
But as for the colors of the marble stone, the lighter the color of the stone without the veins, the higher its quality and purity. For this reason, Harsin marble is one of the most expensive and luxurious types of marble.
These days most people are looking for bright colors in their home, so this stone has gained a lot of fans.
It is not bad to know that the bright and low-grade Harsin marble is one of the most important parts of Iran's ornamental stone export and has gained a lot of fans overseas.
Price and dimensions of Harsin marble
As we mentioned, the brightness of the colors of the Harsin marble and the reduction of the veins inside it will increase the price.
This means that without any vein-type Harsin stones, they are the most expensive of all types. On the other hand, it is marketed in 40 x 40 and 50 x 50 and 60 x 60 and 80 x 80 tiles and decorative slabs and stone artifacts and long sizes for stairs.
Typically brands offering Hersin marble offer it in the form of second-class, first-class, superior and superior.
So first of all you should have a clear stone color
Hersin Beige marble
The marble beige is very radiant, eye-catching and beautiful. It is used for export to foreign countries and is therefore relatively expensive.
But at the same time, because of its unique beauty, it has a lot of fans and uses it to design luxurious home interiors.
Large tiles 80 by 80 this stone is very expensive and can give stunning beauty to the floors of homes and buildings with minimal seam.
Disadvantages of Harsin Stone
Almost this stone can be considered one of the most flawless stones of Iranian marble and this is the main drawback! There is great demand in the market for premium Harsin stone.